Saturday, January 30, 2010


So Logan loves bubbles and I am tired of being the person behind the bubble wand. So here is Logans new bubble friend: Lightning McQueen!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now he can have hours of fun without me going light headed. YEAH!!!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Time for Change.

January sure has been a long month. I am definitely ready for it to be over. I am ready for some warmer weather, only because it has been cold and windy with very little snow. I have been waiting for us to really get dumped on but I am not quite sure that it is going to happen. So bring on the warm weather, so that I can get outside clean up my yard, get my garden prepped and ready for growing season and so that Logan and I can spend some quaility time together outdoors. I thought that if I changed my blog to get ready for February then maybe it would come faster. So heres for hopin. I just need a little change hopefully something will lighten my mood. I am bouncing off the walls ready to get outside. So hurry up and get here warm weather!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Another New Hobby

I found a fun website that gives instructions on how to make hairbows. So I thought that I would try to figure out how to make them. So here is where I started:

So there they are. I will get better (hopefully), and as I get more ribbon they will definitely be more fancy. I am having fun but get a little frustrated when they wont go exactly how I want them (thats because I have no patience). So we will see how long this hobby lasts.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

PLayTimE with Logan

Here are a few things that we like to do together.

You makin me dizzy!

Sock Puppets!

Throwin things at mommy.

Play in his castle and tunnel.

Just me being cute :)!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Better Late than NEVER

Here are pics of our Christmas this year. We didn't take too many, because Logan wasn't really that into Christmas this year. We had to bribe him with a sucker to even stay in the same room as us. We did however have a wonderful Christmas and we sure enjoyed spending time with family.


This is the chair that I was supposed to sew for my first sewing project, but time got away from me (so my mom did it for me).We stuffed it with bean bag beans but it doesn't quite work right so we are going to get the pillow forms so that it will hold its form better.

ToYs,ToYs and more ToYs

The dreaded noise maker from Santa Jacobson and Mrs Santa Jacobson (AKA GRANDPA AND GRANDMA JACOBSON!!!)

IT WAS A GREAT WAY TO END 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Resolutions or Goals

Matthew and I have made a few goals that we want to accomplish this year.

~Exercise on a regular basis. We both have put on a few dreaded pounds that we would like to get rid of, or rather some extra fluff that needs trimming.

~Get ourselves in a better financial situation. 2009 was definitely a rough year for us and we need this year to get us back to a more secure place.

~Make it so that I don't have to go to work. So the goal is for me to stop procrastinating and get my last course of medical transcriptionist done. Also we want to get Matthew through his RN program. Better job, better pay :)!!!

~Be better at creating a spiritual home. We need to be consistent at reading and praying together as a family and individually. Also seeing as how Logan will be old enough to attend Nursery (YAHHHH!!!!!!), we need to get into the habit of having family home evenings every Monday. Also our Temple attendance needs to be a little better. We did okay this year, but there is definitely room for improvement.

~Last but not least. Enjoy life! Sometimes we need to just step back and look at what great blessings have been poured out upon us. We have alot to be thankful for and need to remember that throughout the entire year. I think this one is more for me than for Matthew. We need to enjoy all the little things in life and not expect great big things to happen. Life is meant to be enjoyed not just endured!!!!

It is a brand new year and we look forward to many great things in 2010. It will most likely be a busy year, but we will enjoy it. We wont forget to slow down and enjoy life as a family because there is nothing better than being with those whom you love the most.