The story of the ishy (fish in Logans language). Well the water has been turned out of the ditches here on the dairy, and there is a canal that runs at the back of the dairy. There is a little bit of water still trying to make its way out of the canal and what little water is there has been keeping the huge ishy alive. Friday Matt, Brandon and David saw the fish and tried to catch it but didnt. And if I can remember it right I think one or a few of the three reached their soprano scream when they saw it, I wont disclose any name on account of embarrassment. :)! Anyway, then Saturday Matt and Zac where out working and saw it again and Zac got the net and caught it. Matt was impressed with it size and wanted to take a picture of Logan by it. I think this is the first time that Logan as been up close to an actual fish and he was scared. He sure didnt know what to do but climb up me trying to get away from it. So I had to hold Logan while Zac held the fish for the picture.
Poor Logan! Just look at his face, he just didnt want anything to do with it. |
Matt with his moment of glory! |
Zac with his moment of glory! |
The fish was 22 inches long, 14 inches in diameter and weighed 5 lbs. Pretty good for livin on mud and moss. Or maybe he just took a wrong turn at the wrong time. Either way I think it fed a few mouths.
Now THAT'S a FISH!! ha ha! Logan's face made me laugh! At least he got close enough for a picture though! =)
ReplyDeleteThat is awesome! I'm glad you got a picture....I might have to steal it and put it on our blog too.