Sunday, June 30, 2013

June Coming To An End

June 25th is Papa Hal's birthday and they invited us over to have dinner with them. Logan loves when it is someones birthday and want to go visit them and take them a treat. So we saw this idea on Pinterest and decided that it was the perfect treat. 

Watermelon Sugar Cookies
 We sure enjoyed dinner and the company. Happy Birthday Papa Hal!!!

On June 27th, 28th and 29th Matthew was able to go to Utah with the youth from our ward. They went to the Manti Pageant and then spent a few days doing stuff around Salt Lake. It was good for him to get to take a few days off of work and go have fun. So since he, Flint and Lisa were going to be gone. Friday after swimming lessons the kids and I packed the car and headed to Twin to spend Friday and Saturday with Grandma Marie. We helped her do some work around her house, then the kids got to play in the swimming pool at Papa Tim's house. We went to a few yard sales, went shopping to get the kids a pool and just relaxed and enjoyed out time with Grandma. 

Saturday the 29th we had a small rain and wind storm, which came with a beautiful double rainbow that the kids were so excited to see. 

Cant believe June is over. Time truly moves too fast and needs to slow down!

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