Seeing as how this is my third pregnancy I have come to know that being pregnant is a time in life when I feel like I am on an emotional roller-coaster.
FIRST- I have to say that I know that being able to have kids is such a huge blessing and a miracle in and of itself. I am grateful for the two wonderful children that I have and I am grateful that we have another one on the way. Family is definitely the best thing there is in life!
BUT- I have to admit that I am not a huge fan of being pregnant. I don't care for the fact that I get fat because it sure slows me down and I hate when I cant do things that I want to or need to do. I don't care for the fact that hormones are all over the place, and it makes me more emotional than before. Mostly I am not a fan of the fact that at about 5 months, I get low back pain that makes it so that I have a hard time walking most days.
ALSO- There is nothing more stressful(worrisome) than getting a baby here and once they are here the stress and worry don't seem to go away. There are so many things that can go wrong with a pregnancy that, they are always on my mind. Really the only things that matters about pregnancy is that after 9 months there is both a healthy baby and a healthy mom.
I have to say that both my pregnancies with Logan and Ashlee went pretty much the same. I experienced all the feelings above and I really never had much morning sickness. But baby #3 (Mishagan) has definitely been a whole new experience for me.
First of all I have experienced morning sickness with her. For the first 4 months I believe I threw-up just about every morning and sometimes 2-3 times. Not something that I enjoyed or had experience with my other pregnancies. So I was pretty relieved to get through the first 4 months. Then I finally got to where I wasn't sick anymore, but that was just in time for the awesome back pain to kick in. Nothing worse than not being able to stand up or walk. I am just pretty miserable when I get to this point. But I just have to get over it because this time around I have two other kiddos that I have to take care of. So there is just no time to whine or slow down. I just have to work through it!
So seeing as how we are off to a great start we might as well keep going. On May 31 I had my appointment to do my glucose test. I had both Logan and Ashlee with me and they both wanted one of those cool looking orange drinks that I had to drink. I would have gladly let them each drink it for me, because I sure didn't want to drink it. That following Monday I got the call that I needed to go back in and do the 3 hour glucose test. So I got a little worried after that phone call and that emotional roller-coaster started up again. So Wednesday night Matthew gave me a blessing to help calm my worries and my emotions as I was going to go in that next morning to do my 3 hour test. The kids were able to go spend the night at the Garners, so I didn't have to drag them around all that next day. I went in the next morning and was able to once again drink that even nastier orange drink. Then I had to get my blood drawn every hour for the next three hours. I was able to get quite a few errands ran in between running back to the hospital to get my blood drawn. After my last time of getting my blood drawn I was able to meet up with my mom (who was working at the hospital) and we had lunch at the hospital cafeteria. I was sure glad to finally get some food and it was great to be able to eat lunch with my mom. I then headed back to the Garners to spend time with them and the kids. I was also awaiting the results of my test.
I got a phone call about noon on Friday (June 7th) that confirmed that I do in fact have gestational diabetes with Mishagan. Then came the extra emotions! I was upset at first, then I got to the point where I was okay, then I would think about it and then I would get upset again and the cycle repeated. I have to say that I was emotional until I met with the doctor at my next appointment (June 13th).
JUNE 13th
Was going to be a long day! First I had to meet with a diabetic dietitian, to get my diet plan figured out. I usually go to my appointments by myself, but I made Matthew go with me to this one for two reasons. First I was pretty emotional still and I needed his support and second Matthew works as a LPN helping kids that have diabetes, so he was going to know what was going on and I also wanted him to hear what I was told, so that he could help with with my diet and whatever else I was going to need to do. So we made it through that appointment and I was all set with what I needed to do to get through this pregnancy with both a healthy baby and me. I was pretty depressed and broke down in the parking lot. It sure is a good thing Matthew was there with me, because he assured me that we were going to get through this together!!! Did I mention I have a wonderful husband :)!?! Then later that day I had my appointment with Dr Astin. Things are still looking good as far as my size is good, baby's heart beat is good, blood pressure good. So I just have to get my diet figured out so that I can get my blood sugar under control. I will also be having another ultrasound on July 11, just to see how the baby is doing since I have gestational diabetes. It will be fun to see her again because I didnt really have ultrasounds this late in my pregnancies with Logan or Ashlee.
But until then this is my new little companion:
So emotions and my stresses have been a little higher than normal, but if we can just get Mishagan here safely, then it will all be worth it!