Friday, September 17, 2010

2 Year Check-up

So with another birthday came yet another doctors visit. Wasnt worried because Logan is healthy and happy most of the time. We never have to worry about small illnesses with him, its only big, worrisome illnesses. I take Logan to the same pediatrican that I went to. I think the world of him and I hope that he doesnt retire until I am done having kids and they are all grown, but I doubt that will happen. I am sure that the others are just as good.
Since we have spent many hours and made tons of visits to see doctors over these past two years, Logan freaked out just walking into the room. GRRR! I had to get him undressed and he didnt care for that, so after they weighed him and measured him, we put his shoes and shirt back on to try and calm him down. It didnt work, he kept walking toward the door and saying come on, and waving his hand at me. What a little stinker. He only had to get one shot and he handled it pretty well. He cried louder and longer just sitting in the room than he did when he got his shot. What a weird child we have, but I guess it is understandable.
But all in all the visit went well. He is in the 95-100  percentile for his height and was a little under on his weight, which surprised me. Dr. Trotter said that he wouldnt worry because he would rather see taller and slender kids. I thought that a 30 lb 2 year old was pretty heavy but I guess not. Oh well he is healthy and doing well. Thats what I love to hear after a doctors visit.

So our little guys is growing fast and is healthy. YAY!!

WEIGHT: 29 1/2 LBS

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