It has been an unusually busy year this year for our family. Trying to get Matthew through school and trying to keep up with a very active little 1 year old, sure makes it hard to find time to relax. But at the end of the day it is sure worth all of the tiredness and tears.
Logan-Who is now 15 months old, is such a precious little boy. He is certainly getting a mind of his own. It is fun to sit back and watch how much he is learning and just how fast he is growing up. He had quite a scare this year. About May he had to have surgery to remove pus from his hip. He had a septic hip and after 8 weeks of IV antibiotics he has fully recovered. We caught it early and so there was not any permanent damage. It was rough for him going through it, but it sure didn’t slow him down any. He walked without any trouble and now he is just running all over the place and climbing on and in everything. He is just your typically active little boy. He is making so many sounds that sound like words and he sure isn't quiet about them. We can't wait to hear him start talking, but are afraid that he is going to have a lot to say and will make sure that everyone hears him. It sure is amazing how fast time goes. It doesn't seem that long ago that we were trying to agree on and name and deciding what to bring him home in. Although there are still many sleepless nights, there is nothing better than when he looks in your eyes and gives you the biggest ear to ear grin and you know that you are the luckiest parents in the world to have such a precious little boy. We love him to death and couldn't have asked for a more precious bundle of joy.
Matthew- Has had such a busy year this year. Early this year he was in school trying to finish up his Licensed Practical Nursing Program. He had school from January to July. He did very well and was able to graduate in July. At his graduation he received an award from one of the Nursing Facilities that he did some of his preceptorship hours at. On top of his schooling he had to get in 80 hours of experience at different nursing facilities. He made it through everything and came out on top. He learned so much and he really enjoys working as an LPN. He took his boards in August and after weeks of worrying, he passed. So he has his license to work as an LPN in the state of Idaho. What a great accomplishment for him. We are so very proud of all his hard work! He just recently got a job working for Home Health and Hospice. He works about 20 hours a week there and then he still works part-time on the dairy. We are so glad that Flint and Lisa work to help us out. We are so grateful for them. Matthew has just been working so hard to take care of us. He has big plans this next year. He really wants to get back to school and get his RN. We will see how things go and hopefully we can make it work so that he can reach his goal. He is the greatest husband and father. Logan just loves him to death as do I. It is nice to have him around. I can't forget to mention that he also teaches a 12-13 year-old Sunday school class while also being made the 2nd counselor in the elder's quorum. So as you can see he has been very busy this year.
Mom, honey, Niki-- whatever name fits best. I have been just that. I love being a mom. I enjoy chasing Logan around the house and trying to keep him out of trouble. It is pretty exhausting but they say it keeps you young. I sure hope so! I am a full time mommy with a side job. I am still working two days a week at Silverlining Herbs here in Buhl. Thanks to Lisa and Laura for watching Logan, without them I wouldn't be able to work. I am the 2nd counselor in the Young Women's and I just love working with the beehives. It has been an interesting year and I hope things look better next year. I also really got into canning this year. Our garden wasn't the greatest, but we managed to get enough stuff out of it, to get a good start on our food storage this year. Canning sure kept me busy, trying new things was a great experience for me and I am already excited for next year. Other than those major things, I just am your everyday mom. I try to keep a clean house and am working so hard and trying to become a better cook. I run the usual errands, groceries, doctor's appointments, to the bank, and whatever else comes up. I love being able to take care of my two wonderful boys. Never thought that I would enjoy the role of mother and wife as much as I do, but there is nothing that I would rather do.
So even though it has been a crazy busy year, we still find time to spend together to grow in love and happiness. We couldn't have made it to where we are without the love and support of our family. We have truly been blessed. We can't wait to see what next year has in store. We hope that this letter finds you all doing well. We love you all so much and wish everyone A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.
With Love
Matthew, Niki and Logan